We empower change towards inclusive and sustainable societies.
Grassroots circular economy groups are participatory action initiatives at the community level. Palosaari’s group focuses on learning, skill-sharing, and developing grassroots solutions to sustainability challenges in fashion and textiles, using circular economy and eco-design principles as key tools.
Join our open and multilingual reading sessions to meet Chunky Hippo, Snulli, Saima and other characters from carefully selected children’s books providing exciting adventures and stories with meaning. All the books are written or illustrated by minority authors living in the Nordic countries.
Imagine yourself reading a good book. No disturbance, cup of coffee at hand, and comforting, accepting silence surrounding you and other book lovers. If the idea makes you smile, make sure you’ll find your way to Vaasa’s Silent Book Club hosted by us.
Discover simple yet powerful ways to introduce babies to reading, nurture a love for books, and stimulate children's cognitive development through storytelling.
My Place in Finland is a learning and peer-support programme designed for adult migrants who wish to understand the society and its people better, but also wish to work on their own journey towards finding a meaningful role and sense of belonging in Finland.
Ristinummi-Sepänkylän arjen kiertotalousryhmä keskittyy ratkomaan ylikulutuksen ongelmaa kiinnittäen huomiota myös sosiaaliseen kestävyyteen: Hyvää tavaraa tai ruokaa päätyy jätteeksi, vaikka se voisi hyödyttää sellaisia pienituloisia ihmisiä, joilla ei välttämättä ole varaa hankkia tarvitsemaansa.
Wordless Books are designed to provide parents with an opportunity to connect with their children and learn new ways to encourage creativity and support reading, a crucial life skill and a tremendous pleasure for all of us.